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No Oct 5 BCS test shift

Posted by methun

The Public Service Commission (PSC) will not defer the date of the written test of the 31st Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) from Oct 5.

PSC public relations officer Mir Mosharraf Hossain on Sunday said that the PSC would like to change the examination date from Oct 5.

"But, it's not possible as there are some complications over getting examination halls for the test."

"The written test for Bangla second paper will take place on time that day," he said.

Hindu applicants have been demanding a delay to the test as it comes up right after their biggest religious festival Durga Puja. The festival would end on Oct 6.

Quoting PSC chairman Saadat Husain, Mosharraf said, "PSC was thinking about changing the date to Oct 10. But, we won't be able to manage examination halls due to the pre-scheduled Junior School Certificate (JSC) examinations."

The written test for the 31st BCS began form Sep 26 this year.


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